Make Reservations Now for only $100

First Name(s):
Last Name:
City: State: Zip Code:
I have read and agree to the terms.

What your reservation means

  • Less wait time (which means you begin saving on commuting costs much earlier than waiting for a dealer surplus)
  • A price lock at $19,900 less applicable tax credits (price is frozen against future increases)
  • 1% savings off of the sales price (that's $199)
  • No Obligation to Buy a Roadster (if you change your mind just sell your reservation to other buyers)
  • A beautiful certificate with VIN and production number
  • An email notification when we start production and also when we have produced your vehicle

Thank you for your interest in the American Roadster™ by Eco-Fueler Corporation. The American Roadster™ is a 70 mile per gallon personal commuter vehicle that runs on compressed natural gas that costs only $0.87per gallon (compared to gasoline that has sold from $3.00 to $4.00 per gallon over recent months and will surely continue to increase in the future.) You will not only enjoy driving the roadster, you will love the economy and fuel cost savings that it provides.

Your Roadster Reservation Certificate costs $100 and is suitable for framing. It is serially numbered and carries the portion of our VIN that identifies us as a manufacturer, plus contains the production number that will be assigned to the vehicle. Delivery of the American Roadster™ will be according to the Reservation number that you receive. The lower the number on your reservation, the sooner you will have the opportunity to purchase a roadster.

There is currently a waiting period before delivery of the vehicle you reserve today. If you do not want to purchase when your number comes up, we will notify you again within three months until you either complete the purchase or sell your certificate to someone else who wants to purchase the Roadster without the normally required wait-time. In the future, we will have a page you will be able to view showing the number of the vehicle that is currently being delivered. Count from that number to your own and you will know how many more Roadsters must be built before you will be given the opportunity to purchase your own Roadster. We expect to build 2,300 units in the first year.

The “Roadster Reservation Certificate” is printed in color and is suitable for framing. It is also be transferable so that you (the holder) will be able to sell it to someone else if you desire. We do require that the Certificate be presented to us when the vehicle is delivered so that we can discreetly mark it “Fulfilled.” However, the Certificate will then be returned to its owner to keep as a collectible. A Reservation IS NOT a deposit on a Roadster. It DOES NOT obligate you to buy a Roadster when it is produced. It is your way of letting us know of your interest in being able to purchase an American Roadster™. Payment is non-refundable, even though the certificate is fully transferable. We will help promote a market for the Certificates on eBay as soon as there is any potential for their transfer in a resale.

To purchase a Reservation Certificate, simply complete the reservation form at the top of this page and your credit card will be charged the $100 reservation fee. This purchase immediately reserves your place in line and your certificate will be mailed from our corporate headquarters in a matter of days.

When the time comes for you to complete your purchase, you will work with a local dealer to complete the transaction, including such issues as color selection, arrangement of financing, licensing and documentation, and completion of tax credit paperwork. We will assist by providing you with the option of several local dealerships who will handle the American Roadster™.